Actress and reality show star, Venita Akpofure has reacted to her friend, Alex Ekubo's ex-fiancée Fancy Acholonu's recent disclosure of what transpired before their relationship crashed.
Acholonu had alleged that she and Ekubo never got intimate for over 5 years while they dated. She had also accused him of being manipulative and subjecting her to abuse, among other things.
Reacting to Fancy's recent disclosure, Venita questioned the model's motives. She also claimed that it won't be easy for Acholonu's future partners to trust her with all that has happened lately.
The actress tweeted;
This Girl sha...won't be easy for future partners to build trust with you AT ALL. Almost every woman in this world has AT some point be deceived/betrayed/cheated on. It's wrong but nobody died. There are no kids, property or legalities involved. What is actually your MOTIVE?
Venita also fired back at critics following the backlash she got over the tweet. She stated that there are women with worse situation whose stories are not being told.
Venita wrote;
Follow breaking news, entertainment news, politics, sports, comedy,tech, browsing cheat, join this Whatsapp groupAbeg make una get out.There r women who have had all their teeth knocked out & are homeless with their children on the street.Some are lied to & contracted life diseases.So much pain n trauma. Is it because they are not with public figures?! Who is tellin their story?