This Twitter thread about grandparents and their grandkids is aww-worthy

This Twitter thread about grandparents and their grandkids is aww-worthy

This Twitter thread about grandparents and their grandkids is aww-worthy

When it comes to their grandchildren, grandparents are always friendly and sweet. In their eyes, the little ones can do no wrong. You start to wonder if it's the same parent who raised you-the same one who wears matching clothes with your kids, spoils them with treats, and scolds you for scolding them when they misbehave. All in all, it's so nice to see.

Early moms took to Twitter to share stories of how their children became best friends with their grandparents.

This is the tweet that started the conversation

I genuinely want to hear stories from women who got pregnant young or out of wedlock and their parents were upset, but when the babies came, turned around and became besties with the kids

— Luna M.N (@MphoMoalamedi) January 20, 2023

See some of the responses:

My dad said I should leave and go where I got that belly, my brother asked that I leave the next week. My mum said I should apologize to my dad and since then my dad too care of me and my son until his last dying day. They were best friends who liked matching outfits❤️

— Wothi Cebisa (@Denhle) January 23, 2023

Kept my pregnancy a secret for 9 months. Fam found a week before I had to give birth. Dad drove me up and down to the hospital for check ups in that last week. They didn't get a chance to be mad. The child was here 😭😭

— zintlepangwa (@ZPangwa) January 22, 2023

Last week I cried after she texted me this, she said I was being “dramatic”

I suddenly had flashbacks of everything I went through, I told her she wouldn’t understand.

The disappointment in my brother and mother’s eyes when they found out I was pregnant in matric. But today😂

— Queen👑🇿🇦 (@queenshokane) January 21, 2023

My dad was devastated when I got pregnant at 19 but now they’re inseparable and besties for life 🥰

— ariel🌞 

(@arielameliaaa) January 24, 2023


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