Shoemaker counts blessings as he shares throwback to days of humble beginnings

Shoemaker counts blessings as he shares throwback to days of humble beginnings

 Shoemaker counts blessings as he shares throwback to days of humble beginnings

A young man who used to be a shoemaker counts his blessings as he shares throwback to when he had nothing to him.

A Twitter user identified as Abdul-Qawiyy took to the platform to share what his life used to look like before he made a better life for himself.

Shoemaker counts blessings as he shares throwback to days of humble beginnings

Sharing a photo of when he used to make little income as a cobbler, Abdul-Qawiyy stated that he made a promise to himself to be successful despite being poor.

"You're not your identity

If there's anything I've learned so far in life, it's this: you decide what you want out of life and ruthlessly chase it till it's yours

was born POOR but I'm I'll max my potentials before I die," he wrote.

Shoemaker counts blessings as he shares throwback to days of humble beginnings
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