Lady mysteriously dies on the morning of her wedding

Lady mysteriously dies on the morning of her wedding

 Lady mysteriously dies on the morning of her wedding

A woman, identified as Nadia from East London suddenly dies on the morning of her dream wedding in Trinidad, according to MyLondon.

Beautiful, caring, and happy were the words used to describe 'Nadia Joseph-Gosine by her partner and sister. The deceased was said to have passed away on December 7, 2022, due to liver failure.

Lady mysteriously dies on the morning of her wedding

The 33-year-old from Beckton had traveled to Trinidad to get married to her partner of five years Devon Gosine.

Nadia spent a few weeks in the country with Devon and her 10-year-old son Emari. Sadly, she mysteriously died just hours before her wedding while her fiancé slept next to her.

According to her sister, she had struggled with liver and kidney problems in the past but was thought to have recovered.
"She just wanted to be happy. A little fire cracker. She was very beautiful. Absolutely stunning. And she loved life, loved to travel.", her sister said.

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