Nigerians respond after Twitter user asked if they remove their friends and exes from their Netflix accounts after a quarrel or breakup

Nigerians respond after Twitter user asked if they remove their friends and exes from their Netflix accounts after a quarrel or breakup

 Nigerians respond after Twitter user asked if they remove their friends and exes from their Netflix accounts after a quarrel or breakup

Nigerians have shared their opinions after a Twitter user asked of they remove their friends and partners from their accounts on streaming platforms following a major quarrel or breakup.

While some said they do, others argued that it is quite childish.

See their thoughts below...

Nigerians respond after Twitter user asked if they remove their friends and exes from their Netflix accounts after a quarrel or breakup

Nigerians respond after Twitter user asked if they remove their friends and exes from their Netflix accounts after a quarrel or breakup

Nigerians respond after Twitter user asked if they remove their friends and exes from their Netflix accounts after a quarrel or breakup

Nigerians respond after Twitter user asked if they remove their friends and exes from their Netflix accounts after a quarrel or breakup
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